
Ubaka Hill leaves a lasting impression!

Well, we knew we were in for a treat - but we got so much more! It was absolutely amazing to be in the presence of this wonderful, soulful, soul-filled, spirited and positive woman - and what's more, we are all now "Sonic Facilitators" and "Master Drummers" at our own personal levels! With enough intention being sent out to the Universe, we will hopefully see her back here soon. Thank you, Ubaka! And thanks to all the participants who came from near and far - leave a comment here with regards to your workshop "journey" if you feel so inspired!

Playing for Change

This in from Jerzy in Campbell River:

Drummers, Dancers, Creators of a Better Future
Join us for a global Playing For Change Day drum circle on Saturday, September 17th at the Simms Park Pavilion in Courtenay, noon to 1:30 p.m. to support the Playing For Change Foundation which through music brings positive social change and hope to communities where hope is needed most.
I will be facilitating this circle - hope to see you all there!

Joy Burst a Success!

Check out the video (thank you Bob Huddart!) for last Saturday's flash mob-style Joy Burst! What fun!
If you'd like to be on Roberta's email list to be kept in the loop about future Joybursting in the Comox Valley, go to: www.joybursting.blogspot.com or email her at joyfreemove@hotmail.com.