
Equinox/Full Moon Drum at the Spit

Full Moon Equinox Drum on Wednesday.
It depends on the particular calendar you look at whether the full moon is on Wednesday or Thursday coming up, but Goose Spit drummers will be celebrating it along with the Fall Equinox on Wednesday evening, September 22, 2010  at Goose Spit around 7 PM. Weather dependent, as always! Everyone welcome!
Moon rises at 6:37 PM PDT, Sun sets 7: 17, High tide at 6:04 PM

Drum Wave

Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday to add to the 10 billion beats going around the world. We connected in rhythm for two straight hours, taking turns listening to and following eachother's beats - and by cooperating in this way, we ended up creating drum magic! Just imagine 100's of thousand of others, doing the same thing around the globe, demonstrating that peaceful interaction is possible and sending this message out to the Universe - hopefully it fell on the right ears!


10 Billion Beats cont

Just for everyone's information:
There will be limited parking at the Tsolum on Saturday, due to the closing celebrations for the BC Seniors Games taking place around the same time that day at Simms Park. Please share rides, or drop off your drum at the Tsolum and then find parking if there is none available close by.
Thanks - hope to see many of you there!


10 Billion Beats

Join me in being part of sending an energetic, rhythmic message around the world. Once again, the 10 Billion Beats movement is encouraging drummers to get active globally and to drum together in a continuous wave over the course of two days. I have rented the Tsolum Building in Lewis Park for Saturday, September 18th from 2:00 - 4:00 pm and am inviting drummers and rhythm enthusiasts to join with me in sending a collective positive intention around the globe and out to the Universe! Please bring drums and rhythm instruments (I will make a few drums available for use), and positive vibes! A small donation towards the hall rental (if you are able) would be appreciated. Last year nearly 200,000 people around the world drummed out 10 billion beats...let's top that this year! Go to www.10billionbeats.com  for more information.


Big Sing begins again

Get ready to lift your voices in song after a long hiatus! Our wonderful friends at Creekside Commons have once again offered their space for a Big Sing, and the folks from Creekside and Lettin' Loose choir members from Fanny Bay are invited! Bring your positive energy, your favourite tunes, and your friends - let's make this a truly BIG sing, and one of many to come. Friday, September 17, 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Check back for more info to come.