This is not a drum workshop, it is truly a rhythm workshop designed to help you tap into your inner groove, to empower you to step outside the box(es) that ensnare us and make us believe we aren't deeply, historically, soulfully rhythmic beings - you will feel inspired by the end of this workshop offered by my friends Shasta and Brian, believe me!
Planned for March 23 - 24, the workshop will take place over one evening and one full day. There will be the option to attend only the Friday night to whet your appetite (and then you might decide to stay on for the Saturday...or not...). Venue will likely be the Fallen Alders on Royston Road, cost TBA but will be under $100. At this point, I'm putting out feelers to see who is interested. We need a minimum number to run the workshop.
According to Shasta and Brian's website, Ta Ke Ti Na is a musical group process that uses rhythm, sound and movement. The Ta Ke Ti Na process creates an opportunity for participants to experience a new way of learning based on their own timing and readiness, using the body [and voice] as their instrument. It works equally well for professional musicians and beginners, allowing all people to access their innate ability to express and embody rhythm. Please go to
for more information and to hear Shasta and Brian talk about the TaKeTiNa process.
Please let me know if you are interested, and do spread the word. More details will be forthcoming on both email and my blog in the days/weeks to come. You can also contact Jerzy if you are from Campbell River; he is organizing things at that end!
Drum making opportunity
My friend Robin Shackleton of Sylvan Temple drums (many of you are playing drums made by him!) out in Errington will be offering drum making workshops again soon. Some students have already expressed an interest, and I encourage you to contact Robin directly if you'd like to make your own djembe! The price is very, very reasonable - and Robin is a beautiful soul who will help you put your own energy into your special instrument, allowing you to choose colour of string, type of wood and size. Please email Robin at to chat with him about possibilities
and do go to
for more info about Robin and his astonishingly beautiful drums!