
Ubaka Hill to visit Comox Valley! - DATE CHANGE

EXCITING NEWS! Mark your calendars - on September 11th, the official beginning of the fall drumming season, Ubaka Hill, performer, composer, songwriter, recording artist, motivational speaker, conference weaver, teacher and facilitator of hand drumming workshops for more than 25 years, will be offering a 3 hour long workshop at the Fallen Alders Hall on Royston Road (3:00 - 6:00 pm). Ubaka's soul-vision and intention is to facilitate and inspire personal transformation, empowerment, healing and joy with music that moves you. For more information on Ubaka and the amazing things she does and has to offer, visit:  http://www.ubakahilldrumsong.com/ubaka_hill_bio.html
Following the workshop, participants are welcome to remain for a potluck feast and sharing with Ubaka! This is an opportunity to chat with Ubaka, to share your experience of the workshop, and to indulge in good food and great company. Please note, if you plan on staying for and contributing to the potluck, that Ubaka is vegetarian...
The cost for this workshop will be on a sliding scale $40 - $80 - pay what you can! We want this workshop to be accessible to as many as possible and appreciate your honesty in contributing! Pre-registration is absolutely necessary. At this point, the only option is to pay me (Monica) directly, cash or cheque - FMI please contact Monica at drumdeva@gmail.com. However, if you prefer to wait, there will be a paypal option posted on Ubaka's website soon.
And please visit this blog often for updates to this post - much more information on the workshop itself forthcoming!