
10 Billion Beats

Join me in being part of sending an energetic, rhythmic message around the world. Once again, the 10 Billion Beats movement is encouraging drummers to get active globally and to drum together in a continuous wave over the course of two days. I have rented the Tsolum Building in Lewis Park for Saturday, September 18th from 2:00 - 4:00 pm and am inviting drummers and rhythm enthusiasts to join with me in sending a collective positive intention around the globe and out to the Universe! Please bring drums and rhythm instruments (I will make a few drums available for use), and positive vibes! A small donation towards the hall rental (if you are able) would be appreciated. Last year nearly 200,000 people around the world drummed out 10 billion beats...let's top that this year! Go to www.10billionbeats.com  for more information.