
Solstice Drum/Potluck a huge success!

Thanks to everyone who came out on June 20th to the Royston Community Hall for my annual Solstice Drum and Potluck event. There were 35+ folks there and not only was the food delicious (and you all know I love a potluck!) and the rhythm-making joyful and energizing, but we raised $225+ for this year's chosen charity: Girls Go Global, and local girls group, facilitated by my friend and awesome lady Jane Morris, who support global education for the underprivileged. I have not yet presented them with the cheque, so if anyone still wishes to make a donation, you may do so at class this coming Monday. And just FYI: looks like classes will be happening at this hall in the fall - the space is bigger, and the sound is better! Stay tuned...