
Fundraiser a huge success!

The Solstice Dance/Drum Potluck raised $551.25 with 55 + folks contributing to sending a lucky child to a traditional Tibetan school in the Amdo Region of Tibet. Jessica had the whole hall shaking and grooving, our wonderful dun dun players laid down a most amazing back beat and the drum circle energy was powerful indeed! Not to mention the fact that the food was delicious, and I do love a potluck!
Thanks to everyone who came out to make merry - as far as I'm concerned, that was my Christmas "family dinner" and the best gift anyone could receive for the holidays. I feel truly blessed! Hope to see you all drumming in the New Year...


Upcoming Rhythm, Drum and Dance Event/Fundraiser

Mark your calendars! You won't want to miss this one!
Monica's annual Solstice Drum & Potluck event will look a little different this year - thanks to friend and colleague Jessica Wittman, not only will we be drumming, eating and making merry but we will be dancing as well! Jessica is a popular Zumba instructor here in the Valley, and this year the two of us are teaming up to turn the Solstice Event into an even larger fundraiser than usual.
In past years at Solstice gatherings, Monica's drumming students and families have contributed at the door to providing clean water for an entire village in Tanzania and to supporting families' urban farming efforts in South Africa. This year Monica and Jessica are hoping to raise enough funds to send a Tibetan child to a traditional Tibetan school, and to supply this student with all of the winter clothing and educational needs he/she will have for a year - please go to www.taracafeproject.ca FMI. Since I put the call out for this fundraising effort a number of weeks ago, some of you have already generously donated to the cause (if you would like to be recognized by name when we make the donation to the Tara Cafe Project, please donate by cheque made out to "The Tara Cafe Project") - if you can't make it to the Solstice Event, please consider donating nevertheless: you can even donate in someone else's name and make it a wonderful Christmas present!
As usual, to cut back on our environmental footprint, please bring your own cutlery, cup & plate, as well as enough finger food goodies to feed a rather large group of hungry movers and shakers, warm clothes in case we make it outdoors for a spiral dance (a candle in a jar wouldn't hurt either), and loads of good cheer! We will drum and dance for about an hour, and enjoy each other's company while loading up on delicious calories for the the other hour (by the way: if I haven't mentioned it before, I DO love a potluck! )!!
This event takes place Monday, December 19th from 6 - 8 pm at the Fallen Alders Hall on Royston Road, and is a family event.
